Tying One On, part 2
In my last blog post I showed you the method that I use for attaching my warp sections to the warp beam of my looms for back-to-front warping. In that post I mentioned that I have tried many different methods over the years and have only recently come to the way that I am currently using. By contrast, I came across the system that I use for tying my warp on to the front apron…

Tying One On, part 1
I’ve been weaving for somewhere in the vicinity of 40 years, and you might think that I would have everything down to a science by now. But one aspect of weaving that I’ve always been looking for a better way to do is attaching and winding the warp on to the warp beam. I’m a pretty confirmed back-to-front warper and really like having uncut loops that are keeping my warp firmly attached at the back…

Let there be light!
Threading heddles seems to be an aspect of setting up a loom that many weavers find particularly tedious. I’ve heard a lot of weavers say that they wish they could have someone else thread their warps for them. Personally, I find this part of the weaving process to be rather meditative, as well as a good mental exercise. But it does require being in the right state of mind, and there are several things that…

A New Lease on Life
One of the things that I love about traveling to teach workshops is seeing how other weavers around the country have set up their studios and made adaptations to their looms and the way that they warp them. I’ve learned so many useful things that I’ve incorporated into my own studio and practices that I might not have come across otherwise. I thought that I would share with you something that I’ve come up with…

105 Tones of Grey
In my last blog post, 90 Shades of Grey, I talked about a warp that I put on my loom in a rotation of six neutral values from white through grays to black. Since I still had a couple yards of warp left on my loom after completing a sampler using all of the neutrals in the weft, I thought about what else might be interesting to try out on the remainder of the warp.…

Welcome to my first blog post ever! This is not something that I had ever even thought of doing before, but life is very different now and it’s clear that I need to adapt to the times and have other ways of connecting with you. In early March I flew to Washington DC to attend an annual board meeting for Andean Textile Arts, and followed that with a three-day workshop in rural Virginia. When I…