Loom with a View
It was the summer of 1990. My former husband and I had been living in Santa Barbara, California for the past eight years. He started out going to the university to work on a master’s degree, and ended up working there in the Physics department. I worked at an assortment of jobs during those years, but also worked on honing my weaving skills while participating in various shows and galleries. In many ways it was…

A Souper Breakfast
I enjoy baking and cooking in general, but two of my favorite things to make are pies (Pie are Round, July 30, 2020) and pots of soup. I have my favorite soup recipes that are in my regular rotation, but I also love just throwing whatever I feel like into a big pot and letting it evolve over a few days - adding last nights leftovers and odds and ends that need to be used…

Word Play
I have always enjoyed playing around with words. Palindromes, anagrams, crossword puzzles, codes. I can remember that as a kid, when I was riding in the car with my family, I would look at words on signs and billboards and see how they would read backwards, and see what other words I could make by rearranging their letters. In junior high my best friend and I invented a code so that we could write notes…

Welcome to my first blog post ever! This is not something that I had ever even thought of doing before, but life is very different now and it’s clear that I need to adapt to the times and have other ways of connecting with you. In early March I flew to Washington DC to attend an annual board meeting for Andean Textile Arts, and followed that with a three-day workshop in rural Virginia. When I…