The Whirled Wide Web
I’m not always entirely thrilled with having to spend so much of my life in a digital world, but if I were asked what my favorite thing about it is, I would say that without question it’s the ability to look up just about anything imaginable and find what you are looking for. In grade school I spent many long hours at the library looking through the World Book Encyclopedia…

A Souper Breakfast
I enjoy baking and cooking in general, but two of my favorite things to make are pies (Pie are Round, July 30, 2020) and pots of soup. I have my favorite soup recipes that are in my regular rotation, but I also love just throwing whatever I feel like into a big pot and letting it evolve over a few days - adding last nights leftovers and odds and ends that need to be used…

Pie are Round
In the summer of 1990 my former husband and I moved from southern California to a little town outside Corvallis, Oregon called Philomath (which means ‘lover of learning, especially a student of mathematics’). We bought our first house there, a sweet little 1940’s bungalow that had a concord grape arbor that spanned about 16 feet across the back of the house. It grew so prolifically that if I didn’t prune it back assertively every week…