The Whirled Wide Web
I’m not always entirely thrilled with having to spend so much of my life in a digital world, but if I were asked what my favorite thing about it is, I would say that without question it’s the ability to look up just about anything imaginable and find what you are looking for. In grade school I spent many long hours at the library looking through the World Book Encyclopedia…

Tying One On, part 3
In 2010 the first edition of my book, The Weaver’s Studio: Doubleweave, and a couple instructional videos were released by Interweave Press. In those videos I wore one of my handwoven scarves tied in a particular way that looks like a braided knot. As soon as the videos were released Interweave started getting calls and emails with questions. Were the questions about doubleweave? No - people wanted to know how I tied my scarf. Since…

Anatomy of a Puzzle
The little local library in my community has been closed to the public for about a year now. But in addition to a shelf outside where people can share books in an open exchange, there is a table where people can leave jigsaw puzzles that they are finished with and take ones that they would like to do. I recently brought a stack of finished puzzles that I didn’t need to keep and looked over…

Puzzle, Puzzled, Meta-puzzled
I have an addiction that I need to confess to, though I suspect it is one that many of you might share. I’m not talking about buying yarn - that is a given. I’m talking about one that I’ve had most of my life and that has been growing in popularity over the past year - namely doing jigsaw puzzles. Opening up a jigsaw puzzle box is a bit like opening a box of really…

Postcards from the Edge
It all started in 1977. My best friend Nancy and I were knocking around downtown Portland, Oregon, where we attended college, and we wandered into the Greyhound bus depot, as one might do in those days. There was a rack of postcards, and I pulled out a 3-D postcard of The Last Supper. It became the first of a collection that has spanned four-plus decades and most of the continents. I don’t collect just any…