Double, double, toil and trouble

Double, double, toil and trouble

When I am teaching doubleweave I generally use perle cotton as the standard yarn. It has lots of great qualities for doubleweave - it’s strong and smooth, is widely available and reasonably affordable, and it comes in a wide range of beautiful colors. Students often ask whether other types of fibers can be used for doubleweave. My answer is yes, of course. Any type of fiber can be used, but there are two important qualities…

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I Love Hue Too! II

I Love Hue Too! II

A couple months ago I wrote a blog post about working with various color apps to develop a finer-tuned sense of color nuances - One of these apps, I Love Hue, has become a particular favorite of mine. As you work your way through solving the color grids you advance in levels of difficulty. At the time that I wrote the previous post I was working with fairly complex rectangular grids, and it’s fun…

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I Love Hue Too!

I Love Hue Too!

I think I’ve always been fairly sensitive to nuances of color, but lately I’ve been particularly tuned in to subtle variations of tonalities in my world. I’ve been teaching my Double Rainbow workshop on zoom nearly every week this year, so color is something that I’m thinking about and exploring all the time. I know that there are many websites out there these days that can help you work out color schemes on your computer,…

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Teaching an Old Teacher New Tricks

Teaching an Old Teacher New Tricks

At this time last year my teaching was off to a great start. I had just finished a series of workshops in Hawaii and was about to head off to another in Florida. I had a very full year ahead of me with another twenty workshops yet to come. In early March I attended a board meeting in DC and afterwards went on a quick trip to Virginia to teach another workshop. The day I…

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Many Moons

Many Moons

Can you believe that it has been twenty years since we were finishing up the first year of this millennium? At that time I was marking the end of my first year of living in my house in Santa Fe and a whole new life here. And I was also finishing up a special weaving that was about to lead into yet another one that led me down a path that I couldn’t have predicted…

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Going Totally Tubular

Going Totally Tubular

What is it that compels me to start a new weaving project? Sometimes it is because there is something specific that I want to make for a specific reason. Sometimes I want to weave samples to illustrate a concept that I will be teaching about in a workshop. Sometimes just looking at all the colors of yarn in my studio makes me want to do something fun with them. And sometimes an idea enters my…

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Weaving with Lunatics

Weaving with Lunatics

I have a thing about complete sets of materials, especially when they involve color. I have sets of colored pencils and pastels that I’ve never even used because I want them to be perfect in their entirety. Back in the 80’s I worked at a weaving shop in Portland, Oregon. I would spend hours arranging new yarns that came in according to color on the shelves, and then I wouldn’t want anyone to buy them…

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105 Tones of Grey

105 Tones of Grey

In my last blog post, 90 Shades of Grey, I talked about a warp that I put on my loom in a rotation of six neutral values from white through grays to black. Since I still had a couple yards of warp left on my loom after completing a sampler using all of the neutrals in the weft, I thought about what else might be interesting to try out on the remainder of the warp.…

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90 Shades of Grey

90 Shades of Grey

Most of the weaving that I’ve done over the past several years has focused on exploring color rotations in doubleweave in a system that I call Double Rainbow. I've worked with color wheel hues in saturated colors, tints, tones and shades. I’ve expanded the traditional color wheel to work with up to twenty colors in one piece and I’ve created designs with up to eight blocks of doubleweave. I’ve experimented with different weights of yarns…

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Double Rainbow Evolves, part 2

Double Rainbow Evolves, part 2

As I experimented with weaving in the Double Rainbow system in two blocks on 8 shafts and seeing how the combinatory possibilities for color and pattern were truly endless, I realized that I needed to find a system for encoding and notating information. Otherwise it would be like falling down a rabbit hole and never being able to find your way out again. This problem had me stymied for quite some time and I spent…

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