Off to Peru, 2010

Off to Peru, 2010

I don’t remember when I first became fascinated with the notion of visiting Peru, but sometime early in my weaving life I learned about the unparalleled doubleweave pickup textiles that had been woven in pre-Columbian Peru, as well as masterpieces in many other techniques. Then in the early 1990’s I took a seminar with Ed Franquemont in which he talked about the quipus, the knotted cords that functioned as record keeping devices for the Incan…

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Word Play

Word Play

I have always enjoyed playing around with words. Palindromes, anagrams, crossword puzzles, codes. I can remember that as a kid, when I was riding in the car with my family, I would look at words on signs and billboards and see how they would read backwards, and see what other words I could make by rearranging their letters. In junior high my best friend and I invented a code so that we could write notes…

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