M.F.A. in Fibers, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, 1993
Graduate Teaching Fellowship, 1992-93
Recipient Handweavers Guild of America scholarship, 1991
B.A. Illustration, Lewis and Clark College, Portland, OR, 1979
Selected Exhibits
2022 - Complexity 2022, Innovations in Weaving, HGA Award, Knoxville, TN
2022 - Small Expressions, Handweavers Guild of America exhibit, Knoxville, TN
2021 - Virtual Exhibit of the Joint Mathematics Meeting
2020 - Complexity 2020, Innovations in Weaving, Handweavers Guild of America Award, Knoxville, TN
2019 - Invited artist, Material Meaning, Craft in America Center, Los Angeles, CA
2019 - Invited artist, Fiber as Metaphor, galleryFritz, Santa Fe, NM
2018 - Invited artist, Fiber Crawl exhibit, Tansey Contemporary, Santa Fe, NM
2018 - Complexity 2018, Innovations in Weaving, Reno City Hall Metro Gallery, Reno, NV
2018 - Culture Hustlers, Boston Center for the Arts, Mills Gallery, Boston, MA
2017 - Handspeak, Santa Barbara Fiber Exhibit, Faulkner Gallery, Santa Barbara, CA
2015-2018 - U.S. Embassies in the Arts Program, U.S. Embassy in Podgorica, Montenegro
2014 - Double Vision, retrospective exhibit, Mills Gallery, Central College, Pella, IA
2014 - Instructor exhibit, Conference of Northern California Handweavers, Oakland, CA
2013 - Invited instructor at Tinkuy Weaver’s Gathering, Cusco, Peru
2012 - Rhapsody in Blue, Fuller Art Center, Los Alamos, NM
2011 - 18 Days, New Mexico Women in the Arts, Center for Contemporary Arts, Santa Fe, NM
2011 - Expressions & Textures, Three-person show, Matrix Arts, Santa Fe, NM
2010 - Solo Exhibit, Sumner & Dene Gallery, Albuquerque, NM
2010 - Small Expressions, Albuquerque Convention Center, Albuquerque, NM
2009 - Fiber Celebrated 2009, Center for Creative Studies, Fort Lewis College, Durango, CO
2008 - Convergence Leaders Exhibit, Tampa Convention Center, Tampa Bay, FL
2008 - Living with Beauty, Business of Art Center, Manitou Springs, CO
2007 - Originals 2007, Harwood Museum of Art, Taos, NM
2007 - Intermountain Spirit, Intermountain Weavers Conference, Durango, CO
2006 - Flight of Fancy, Designer Showcase, New Mexico Women in the Arts, Santa Fe, NM
2006 - Bridges Exhibit, Institute of Education, London University, London, UK
2005 - Fiber Celebrated 2005, Durango Arts Center, Durango, CO, Las Aranas Award
2004 - Blue Ridge Handweaving Show, Asheville School, Asheville, NC
2003 - Layers of Meaning: The Evolution of Pick-up Doubleweave, Flaten Art Museum, St. Olaf College, Minneapolis, MN
2002 - Intimate Expressions in Thread, Thirteen Moons Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
2002 - Instructors’ Exhibit, Convergence 2002, Vancouver, BC
2001 - Solo Exhibit, Thirteen Moons Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
2001 - Three-person show, Robert Canaga Gallery, Eugene, OR
2001 - Fantastic Fibers,Yeiser Art Center, Paducah, KY
2000 - Fiber Celebrated 2000, Estes Park, CO, HGA Award
2000 - The Feel of Fiber, Invitational Show, Barrington Area Arts Council, Barrington, IL
1999 - One-person show, Reynolds Gallery, Westmont College, Santa Barbara, CA
1999 - Invitational Show, Lake County Museum, Wauconda, IL
1998 - Overtones, Convergence ’98, Atlanta, GA
1998 - Flight, Regional Invitational Show, Giustina Gallery, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR
1997 - Fiber Celebrated ‘97, Intermountain Weavers Conference, Fort Collins, CO
1996 - Visual Rhythms, Jennifer Moore and Barbara Pickett, Portland State University, Portland, OR
1996 - Take Time, Convergence ‘96, Portland Convention Center, Portland, OR
1995 - Visual Rhythms, Three Forms of Fiber Expression, Jacobs Gallery, Eugene, OR
1995 - Small Expressions, Textile Museum, Taiwan and Pacific Cultural Foundation, Taipei
1994 - Oregon’s Best in Fiber Arts, Traveling Exhibit
1994 - Small Expressions, Minneapolis College of Art and Design, Minneapolis, MN
1993 - Fiber Celebrated ‘93, Las Vegas, NV, People’s Choice Award
1993 - Hands Across the Loom, Belle Chere Festival, Asheville, NC, First Place
1992 - One-person show, Circle of Hands Gallery, Eugene, OR
1992 - Fiber and Textile Exhibit, Crossman Gallery, Whitewater, WI, Merit Award
1991 - Meshes: Woven Patterned Planes, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR
1991 - One-person show, Centennial Union Gallery, Luther College, Decorah, IA
1990 - Small Expressions ‘90, Convergence, San Jose, CA, Third Place
1990 - Convergence Fiber Show, P.R. Coonley Gallery, Palo Alto, CA
1989 - Fiber Celebrated ‘89, Salt Lake Art Center, Salt Lake City, UT, First Place
1989 - Showcase ‘89, So. California Handweavers Conference, Ventura, CA, Best of Show, People’s Choice Award
1989 - Ojai Valley Fiber Arts Exhibition, Ojai Valley Arts Center, Ojai, CA, Second Place
1988 - Fiber Structure National VI, Downey Museum of Art, Downey, CA
1987 - Showcase ‘87, So. California Handweavers Conference, Los Angeles, CA, Best of Show
1987 - Weaving: A Common thread, International Gallery, San Diego, CA
1986 - Celebration of Weaving V, Butler Institute of American Art, Youngstown, OH, Juror’s Award, People’s Choice Award
1986 - Fiber Celebration ‘86, Loveland Museum, Loveland, CO, Juror’s Award
Selected Publications
Doubleweave: Revised and Expanded, Interweave Press, 2019
Heddlecraft Magazine, November/December 2016, ‘Doubleweave Blocks’
Handwoven Magazine, September/October 2015, ‘Triple Delight’
The Journal for Weavers, Spinners and Dyers, Summer 2013, ‘Doubleweave Sampler’
Handwoven Magazine, March/April 2013, ‘Andean Memories Runner’
The Weaver’s Studio: Doubleweave, Interweave Press, 2010
Doubleweave Pick-up, instructional DVD, Interweave Press, 2010
Doubleweave Basics, DVD set, Interweave Press, 2010
Handwoven Magazine, Mar/Apr 2010, ‘Doubleweave Doubled’
Handwoven Magazine, Jan./Feb. 2008, ‘Weave it on the Double’
Bridges 2006 Conference Proceedings. ‘Chromatic Fantasy: Music-Inspired Weavings Lead to a Multitude of Mathematical Possibilities’,
Tarquin Publications, 2006
Fiberarts Design Book 7, Asheville, North Carolina: Lark Publications, 2004
Handwoven Magazine, Jan./Feb. 2002 Volume XXIII, No. 1 ‘Doubleweave: A Workshop in Your Studio’
Handwoven Magazine, Sept./Oct. 2000, Volume XXI, No. 4, ‘The Golden Proportion’
Handwoven Magazine, Jan./Feb. 1999, Volume XX, No. 1, ‘A Gallery of Doubleweave Pick-up’
Weaver’s Magazine, Summer 1994, Issue 24, ‘Chromatic Fantasy: Weaving and Music’
Weaver’s Magazine, 2nd Quarter 1992, Issue 17, ‘Color and Pattern in Doubleweave Pick-up’
Handwoven Magazine, May/June 1992, Volume XIII, No. 3, ‘Doubleweave Gallery’
Shuttle Spindle and Dyepot, Volume XXIV, No. 4, ‘1992 HGA Scholarship Recipients’
Fiberarts Design Book Four, Asheville, North Carolina: Lark Publication, 1991
Shuttle Spindle and Dyepot, Fall 1990, Volume XXI, No. 4, ‘Small Expressions, 1990 Winners’
Fiberarts Design Book Three, Asheville, North Carolina: Lark Publications, 1988